Sunday, March 22, 2009


Bridgeport Old Knucklehead 22oz:

Old knucklehead number 12 is aged in American Oak Bourbon barrels with big vanilla, toffee and sherry notes on top of the malty, fruity, well hopped barleywine. At this early stage the hops are very prominent with a stiff bitterness at the finish. Great for all of you hop heads but I for one am going to lay it down for 8 to 12 month and wait for the hop to die back a tad and let the fruitiness and barrel tones come forward. This beer is all kinds of good. Tasty and aggressive now with the excellent potential to be smooth and rich with some aging.

It has been five years since the last knucklehead, Fred Eckhardt (well known Portland author) with the new knucklehead being John DeBenedetti who is the owner of the oldest beer supply company in the country right here in Portland OR ( For more info check out…..

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