Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hitachino Red Rice Ale 330ml:

I’m the first to admit that this one falls into the WEIRD beer category but it is good beer none the less. It pours with a bizarre pink / gold color. The beer takes on a slightly tart fruity tone and is reminiscent of strawberries. This is due to the unique process this beer goes through. Below is the description of this process from the importer...

”The brewing process starts with the polishing, washing, soaking and steaming of rice [25% of total grain bill] to break down complex type b-starch molecules into short type a ones. Only type A starch molecules can be converted into sugar by the use of sake yeast. Afterwards, pilsner malt is added to the mashing process. After lautering Hallertauer hops is added in the brewkettle. Further complicating matters, two different yeasts, i.e. ale and sake yeast, must be used as regular beer yeast is not able to convert the rice sugars into alcohol.

A fermentation time of two weeks is followed by a maturation period of four weeks. Hitachino Nestbier Red Rice Ale is filtered, but left unpasteurized.”

Red Rice is a fun unique beer in the dry lager style with a bit of something else to it.

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