Thursday, April 10, 2008


*** Faster Newsletters ***

Liquid Solutions has been trying to migrate from our old “list server” to our new blog format. The blog entries are much faster and customers receive them a day or two earlier that those who are still on the old “list server”. As we are getting more and more limited quantity beers I want to make sure that everyone has the same chance to get these products (Earth Monk is on its way soon). The newsletter is first posted to the blog and then the blog entry is submitted to my developer who then reformats it and releases it to the “List Server”. If you are still on the old “List Server” or are unsure if you are please go to our homepage and on the upper left there is a place to signup for the newsletter (which will be the blog format). It will not let you sign up for the blog twice. If you did not receive an email about the Midnight sun beers on 4.5.08 then you are NOT on the blog and should migrate. We are just trying to make the newsletter process easier for me and faster for you so as soon as we can get most people off the old list serve the better.


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