Thursday, January 17, 2008


Alaskan Barleywine 2007 22oz:

*** This is not a presell, I have 20 cases coming in on 1/18 and another 20 shortly after that. These will not last long. This is the first time in the bottle and maybe the first time it has been available much outside Alaska. The computer is tracking every bottle so if you get an order in, it will be filled. If you get an out of stock message within the next week or so please try again later as I have another shipment coming after the 1/18. ***

This A+ brew pours a rich brown with a red tint. The aroma is sweet with cookie dough and chocolate with dark fruit. The head pours well be falls rather quickly. The flavor is toasty up front with sweet malt, plum and raisin fruitiness. The finish is spicy with a modest hop bitterness. This award winning barleywine should age for 5 years easy and only get better and smother through the years.

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