Thursday, August 23, 2007


Marin Star Brew Triple Wheat 22oz:

Sure we have all had BARLEY wines and most of us enjoy the strong rich flavors but what if you are into wheat beers?? What would happen if you started with a great wheat beer and cranked it up to 9.7%? Well, you would get a WHEAT wine style beer. And that is exactly what the Marin “Triple Wheat Ale” is. Golden orange in color, this beer pours with a thin head, which is a bit surprising for a wheat beer. The aroma is tart and wheaty with citrus hop nose. The mouth feel is a tad slick and smooth for a 9.7% beer. The flavor is lightly sweet up front with a tart fruity tone and ends a slight bitterness with a touch of spice. It is a wonderfully unique flavorful golden brew that will sneak up on you and knock you over.

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